Write for Us

Are you someone whose day begins with a cup of tea or coffee and a computer in front of you or someone who believes strongly that the pen is mightier than the sword or someone who is starting a new fashion retail business and wants to capture the maximum number of customers, wait no longer!

Write for us on Darji.in and see yourself capturing the maximum number of customers in the shortest duration of time. 

However, kindly keep these criteria in mind before you go on to submit your content to us. 

  1. Make sure that the content is un-plagiarized in form and not submitted prior to other websites
  2. Make sure that the content is related to fashion and fashion alone. 
  3. Make sure that your content consists of the following, short paragraphs, bullet points as well as sub-headings so as to gain more customer engagement towards your content
  4. Word limit more than 500 words.
  5. Make sure that the headings and sub-headings are catchy and not too boring, because you believe it or not, nobody likes reading a textbook of fashion on a website. So kindly keep your headings and subheadings appealing!

Now, you may ask, why us?

So, we will not boast but we at Darji.in believe that content drives people to places they may not have been before and thus writing for us will help you gain exposure to writing in a way that engages and compels your readers towards you, on a whole. 

Thus when you write for us, here are the perks

  1. Increase your social network base
  2. Get promoted on the different social media channels that we are on 
  3. Generate more traffic for your websites

So, now finally, you may be thinking what topics can you submit to us on Darji.in?

Well first and foremost, please remember that we are strictly a fashion site so make sure your content is strictly in sync with fashion and fashion only!

So, you can write from any of the topics that have been listed below

  1. New Trends in Fashion Industry
  2. How Can You Improve the Sales of the Fashion Industry through Mobile Apps
  3. Statistical Findings Related to Business of Fashion
  4. New Age Fashionistas
  5. Fashion Trendsetters Around the World

or topic like fashion weeks down the ages, history of fashion, a first catwalk that took place, and so on and so forth, whatever is related to fashion!

So start brainstorming and submit your writings to us on Darji.in but one important tip though please make sure that your content is free of discrimination against race, color or religion as contents of these kinds would get banned immediately!


  • Need more than 500 words SEO optimized Content with copyright-free image.
  • We will edit original content if we need any changes.
  • Post will be deleted at any time if we found any issue with it.
  • Email us at [email protected]